Adobe Framemaker 2015

Easily author bidirectional technical content and publish across mobile devices
Adobe FrameMaker (2015 release) is a complete solution for bidirectional technical content. Publish natively across channels, mobile devices and formats and author with

Adobe Framemaker 2015
  • Available: Electronic Delivery
  • Brand: Adobe
  • OS: Windows

Language: English, Deutsch, français, 日本語

Easily author bidirectional technical content and publish across mobile devices
Adobe FrameMaker (2015 release) is a complete solution for bidirectional technical content. Publish natively across channels, mobile devices and formats and author with best-in-class XML/DITA support. Collaborate seamlessly with experts, and manage content using integration with leading CMSs.

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Why should I Buy Adobe Framemaker 2015?


Bidirectional language supportEnjoy support for RTL languages, Arabic, Hebrew, and Farsi. Work with RTL and left-to-right (LTR) content in the same document or book. Control the direction of objects such as paras and tables using the new direction property. Benefit from language-specific features such as ligature and diacritic support.
Bidirectional content flippingEasily work with documents translated into Arabic, Hebrew, and Farsi. Reduce DTP work with the new direction property. Set up the document and flip it—all inherited objects will also change direction. Optionally, flip individual objects, such as paras, tables, images, lists, and neutral characters such as parenthesis.
Bidirectional language publishingPublish documents with bidirectional content, including XML/DITA content, from within FrameMaker (2015 release) in multiple formats: PDF, HTML5, WebHelp, CHM, EPUB, KF8, MOBI, and mobile apps. Optionally flip the HTML5 layout or use the new RTL WebHelp skin so that the navigation pane appears on the right for RTL content.


Out-of-the-box multichannel, multidevice publishingDeliver your content to multiple channels, mobile devices and formats, including mobile apps, from within FrameMaker. Publish to popular output formats, like HTML5, WebHelp, EPUB, KF8, MOBI, PDF, CHM, and Adobe Digital Publishing Solution (DPS) with a single click. Define settings once and share them organization-wide.
Mobile app outputEnsure wider distribution and consumption of content with a simplified mobile app generation workflow and native integration with Adobe PhoneGap Build*. Easily publish your content as mobile apps for iOS and Android with just one click.
Personalized dynamic contentEmpower users to find relevant content faster in the document, TOC and search. Leverage existing conditional tags and expressions to enable end users to dynamically filter content in the final HTML5 output, thereby delivering personalized help experiences.
New HTML5 layoutDeliver a personalized content consumption experience. Configure search to appear on the content or topic panes, and show context and breadcrumbs in the results. Easily show or hide widgets, such as glossary and TOC. Convert the layout to right-to-left languages just by changing one property. Enjoy a superior viewing experience as the layout icons have been optimized for high resolution retina displays.
Publishing to Adobe Digital Publishing Solution (DPS)Leverage integration with DPS to enjoy wider distribution of content as mobile apps. Ensure that your users always access updated content, even when they are offline. FrameMaker now generates DPS articles that you can use to publish mobile apps across iOS (8 or later), Android (4.1 or later) and Windows (8.1) platforms.
Custom fonts in EPUB filesEmbed custom fonts in your EPUB files and ensure that your users see text exactly as you intended, whether or not they have the font installed on their device.
Attractive customizable WebHelp skinsGive your WebHelp content a new look by changing its skin. Choose from a wide variety of skins from the WebHelp gallery. Customize your WebHelp skins by changing button labels, fonts, background color, search boxes, and more.
Reference page image publishingPublish reference pages content such as images, headers and footers, and logos, in all output formats supported by FrameMaker (2015 release).
SVG support in HTML5 outputEffortlessly ensure that your images always look good regardless of the screen size of the device on which they are being viewed, because FrameMaker (2015 release) embeds the entire SVG code in the final HTML5 output.
Reuse of Adobe RoboHelp style mappingsWork more efficiently by reusing style mappings that you have already configured in RoboHelp or Adobe Technical Communication Suite in the native publishing workflow of Adobe FrameMaker (2015 release).
Reusable publishing elementsReuse elements easily with the enhanced multidevice publishing settings file. Create elements, such as HTML5 layouts, WebHelp skins, CSS, and HTML page templates, just once, and import or export them for use across different settings files.
HTML page template supportConfigure mini-TOCs, breadcrumbs, and headers and footers just once and apply your settings easily to all outputs using the new HTML page template support.


DITA 1.3 supportNow get out-of-the-box support for DITA 1.3 topic types, including topic, task, concept, reference, glossentry, glossgroup and the new troubleshooting, learningObjectMap and learningGroupMap.
Enhanced Structure viewWork more easily with your XML structure. Enjoy a larger work area by collapsing elements and attributes for entire sub-trees. Get a visual indication of the element in focus and validity of a drop.
Simplified XML authoringNow subject matter experts and casual authors can create valid XML, without worrying about XML complexities. Work faster with a simplified user interface, a form-like easy-to-fill authoring experience, and the ability to insert objects easily using Quick Element toolbar or by importing from other sources such as Word and HTML pages, even for DITA 1.3 documents.
Customized environments for simplified XML authoringSet up simplified XML authoring environments to make XML authoring even easier for subject matter experts and casual authors. Set up easy-to-fill form-like templates, assemble your own Quick Element toolbar and configure FrameMaker to work only in this environment.
Improved support for inline MathML equationsEasily create inline MathML equations within FrameMaker (2015 release) thanks to native integration with MathFlow Structure and Style editors from Design Science. Equations inherit paragraph properties, such as fonts and background color, and are now exported as high-quality vector graphics in the published output.
Enhanced Quick Element toolbarInsert content even more easily with the enhanced, always-enabled Quick Element toolbar. The toolbar automatically identifies the next valid location if the inserted object is invalid at the current location.
Faster EDD customization processReduce EDD customization time from hours to minutes by using the script included with FrameMaker (2015 release), which automatically changes the element definition in all the relevant places in the DITA 1.2 EDD hierarchy.
DITAVAL support in DITA-OT publishingLeverage out-of-the-box support for DITA OT to seamlessly publish content in various formats, including PDF, HTML, Microsoft HTML Help (.CHM) and Java Help. Use the free OASIS DITA-OT plug-in to carry out DITAVAL-based filtering while publishing.
Comprehensive DITA 1.2 supportCreate customized information models by automatically generating DITA 1.2 elements, such as titles, TOC, indexes, page rounding, and numbering. Easily publish DITA maps. Work with graphic objects more easily with the support for scale and align attributes.
DITA maps preview, including nested mapsNow easily preview content in DITA maps, including nested DITA maps, by opening topics individually or all at once. Edit the topic by double-clicking the expanded topic content.
Multiviews: native XML code, WYSIWYG, and Author viewAuthor XML content in any of the three views provided. Work in the easy to use WYSIWYG view. Use Author View to focus on writing without bothering about formatting. Use run time validation, auto suggest and tree view to work with raw XML source in the XML code view.
Smart PasteAuthor structured content faster. Convert content to a structured format with Smart Paste. Easily bring in a variety of content, including paragraphs, tables, and lists, from a variety of sources, such as Microsoft Word and Excel and HTML web pages.
Improved white space handling as per XML standardsEasily work with XML files because white spaces inserted in the XML code view in FrameMaker or any other XML editor are handled as per XML standards. White spaces and spaces for pretty printing are ignored or preserved as appropriate or specified.
Comprehensive DTD supportAuthor and validate XML content using standard DTDs, such as DITA and DocBook, as well as custom DTDs. Easily import a DTD and create an EDD with a single click. Alternatively, point to the DTD in the XML source and validate that against the DTD.
XPath 2.0 supportEliminate the need to browse through long XML code. Use the XPath pod to find elements and automatically apply functions to them. Customize your query builder, get suggestions, define the scope of queries, use the history drop-down menu, and save search results for greater productivity.
XSLT 2.0 supportCreate a variety of transformation scenarios by applying predefined or customized XSLT to XML files, and execute them using a range of JAXP-compliant processors. Define the scope of the transformation—a file, all files in a folder, DITA map, or all children of a book.
Publishing DITA maps to booksEasily publish DITA content to professional-looking output. Generate nested books and books with flat components. Create attractive book content from DITA maps by automatically generating titles and TOCs, applying number properties, and page rounding.


Smoother import of Microsoft Word filesMap styles while importing Word documents into FrameMaker, or create new ones automatically from the imported styles. Bring in Word formatting and inline Word styles. Configure settings just once and reuse them across your Word documents.
Miniature Table of Contents (mini TOC)Make long documents more readable and easier to navigate with mini TOCs. Just select the styles to generate the mini TOC, insert and format it as you wish, and update with a single click. Mini TOCs will appear in all supported output formats.
Conditional table columnsNow make columns conditional and show or hide columns based on conditions, just as you do with rows.
Enhanced visual conditional indicatorsEasily identify which conditions have been applied to various types of content, such as images, tables, graphics, and anchored frames, with consistent formatting. Use conditional tag formatting rules to easily identify conditional content in your document.
Conditional text at the book levelEliminate the tedium of applying conditions or expressions to individual chapters in books by applying them to the entire book directly while updating the book in the same operation.
Integration with CMSsLeverage built-in connectors to industry leading CMSs, Adobe Experience Manager, EMC Documentum and Microsoft SharePoint. Use the Repository view to check-out files, manage dependencies, manage versions and perform searches even with custom metadata. Get a set of APIs to connect your enterprise authoring environment with virtually any CMS.
Integration with DitaExchange CMSLeverage the new built-in connector to the DitaExchange CMS to manage your DITA content easily. Use the Repository view to check-out files, manage dependencies, version management and perform search. Use the advanced metadata-based filter, which is dynamically fetched from the CMS, to quickly browse and find relevant topics, DITA maps or graphics in a large volume of content.
PackagerShare projects easily with colleagues, subject matter experts, and translators. Create a self-contained package of your documents, books or DITA maps. The packager includes all dependent files, such as referenced files and images and configuration files.
Improved usability in tablesWork more efficiently in tables. Navigate the table cells using the arrow keys. Add a row by pressing TAB in the bottom right cell. Drag and drop rows and columns.
Automatic insertion of table continuation variablesHandle large, multipage tables more easily with table continuation and table sheet variables that you can insert when adding a table. You can also apply these variables to existing tables and to several tables at one time.
Enhanced pod supportWork more efficiently with pods. Colored boundaries allow you to quickly identify pods. Eliminate searching for pods because they open in the same location that you closed them. Specify colors using integer RGB values instead of percentages in the color definition pod.
Smart filters in podsEliminate endless scrolling through long lists in pods with smart filtering. Easily find the relevant item in the paragraph, character and table designers by typing in the text box. The list dynamically filters content to display relevant options.
Enhanced UIWork more efficiently with a number of UI enhancements. Resize commonly used pods, such as cross references, conditional text, insert tables, and TOC. Easily drag and drop files to open, even while dragging onto pods.
Improved FrameMaker and Adobe Experience Manager connectorEnjoy significant improvement in performance while carrying out frequently used operations, such as checkin and checkout, thanks to an enhanced connector between FrameMaker (2015 release) and Adobe Experience Manager CMS.
More out-of-the-box table stylesEnhance your tables and make them more readable with a wide range of out-of-the-box table styles. Apply shading to table cells and fill them with solid colors.
Simultaneous PDF-based reviews and authoringWork more productively by authoring and reviewing in parallel. Review comments are imported correctly in the modified document while the commented content is unchanged in the source document.
Single-click session restore for quick startGet your previous session back with just one click. All files, pods, panels, and view from your previous session are restored.
Out-of-the-box Dropbox integrationShare content easily with subject matter experts and other reviewers, and keep documents automatically updated with review comments. Choose whether to upload dependent files.
QR codes to connect print and online worldsAdd QR codes to FrameMaker documents. Edit embedded QR codes and preview them in real time. Use them on popular iOS or Android QR reader apps. Generate QR codes in different sizes.
Smart catalogsChange the way you insert catalog elements such as element, paragraph, and character catalogs. Bring up the new dialog box with a keyboard shortcut. Search for an element directly, or view a dynamic list of elements based on filters or context.



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